Fresh Apple Sauce | Kids Out and About Inland Empire

Fresh Apple Sauce

by Debra Ross

Another very unscientific recipe that even a preteen could manage on her own!

Peel some apples. About six large ones should feed a family of four as a dinner side dish.

Slice the apples thinly.

Put into a pot that has a cover. Add a small amount of water, probably about half a cup.

Cover the pot, and cook on medium-low for probably about half an hour. Periodically, take the cover off and make sure the water hasn't boiled down.

When the consistency is what you like and you are able to bring a fork through the apples with no resistence—usually after about 20 minutes—then it's done. Boil off any remaining water with the top off.

Season with a dash of cinnamon. If it needs to be sweetened, use honey or sugar and add sparingly.

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