Philadelphia Attractions and Surrounding Areas with Kids: a KidsOutAndAbout review | Kids Out and About Inland Empire

Philadelphia Attractions and Surrounding Areas with Kids: a KidsOutAndAbout review

Philadelphia Attractions and Surrounding Areas with Kids: a KidsOutAndAbout review

by Kathleen McCormack 

Is there anything Benjamin Franklin, the adopted Philadelphian, didn’t invent? A vacation to this famous city is eye opening, enriching, and just plain fun. KidsOutAndAbout offers you reviews of several Philadelphia attractions and suggestions for other wonderful places to visit with your kids in and around the city.

Philadelphia Bus Tours

Contact:            Website

                        The Historic Bourse Building, 111 S. Independence Mall East Philadelphia, PA 19103

                        (215) 922-2300

Read the KOAA review of Philadelphia Bus Tours here.

Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse

Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse, located in East Fairmount Park, has been a treasured destination for over 100 years. Smith strives to be Philadelphia’s foremost resource for play by providing opportunities for unstructured creative play for children 10 and younger. The Playground is situated on its original historic landscape – 6 1/2 acres of open fields, wooded terrain, and sloped hills – and is home to the century old Ann Newman Giant Wooden Slide, a treasured play experience for generations of Philadelphia’s children, as well as other unique pieces of play equipment.

Contact:            Website

                        3500 Reservoir Dr. Philadelphia, PA 19121 
                        (215) 765-4325

Philadelphia’s Enchantment Theater Company

Contact:            Website

                        100 S Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19110

                        (215) 496-9160

Read the KOAA review of Philadelphia’s Enchantment Theater company here.

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Founded in 1812, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is a leading natural history museum dedicated to advancing research, education, and public engagement in biodiversity and environmental science.

Contact:            Website

                        1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 

                        (215) 299-1000 

The Franklin Institute

Founded in honor of America’s first scientist, Benjamin Franklin, The Franklin Institute is one of the oldest and premier centers of science education and development in the country.  Today, the Institute continues its dedication to public education and creating a passion for science by offering new and exciting access to science and technology in ways that would dazzle and delight its namesake. 

Contact:            Website

                        222 N. 20th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

                        (215) 448-1200

Independence National Historical Park

Much of the past remains at Independence National Historical Park. You can stand in the shadow of Independence Hall or read the famous inscription on the Liberty Bell. But there is also much to discover that you cannot see or touch. The ideas of liberty and self-government tested here still echo through our lives today.

Contact:            Website

                        1 North Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA 19106 

                        (215) 965-2305 

Philadelphia Zoo

The Philadelphia Zoo’s 42-acre Victorian garden is home to more than 1,300 animals, many of them rare and endangered. By connecting people with wildlife, the Philadelphia Zoo creates joyful discovery and inspires action for animals and habitats. Cheetahs, hippos, giraffes and much more make the Zoo Philadelphia's leading family attraction with over 1.2 million visitors last year. 

Contact:            Website

                        3400 West Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104

                        (215) 243-1100 

Betsy Ross House

The well-known and loved story of Betsy Ross sewing the first Stars & Stripes is tightly woven into the colorful fabric of America's rich history.  The Betsy Ross House, the birthplace of the American flag, is alive with the sights and sounds of the 18th century. Tour the house and then stay a while longer to learn more about Betsy and her exciting life and times through our interactive, historical programming.

Contact:            Website

                        239 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19106
                        (215) 629-4026

The National Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center is the first and only institution in America established by Congress to “disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis in order to increase the awareness and understanding of the Constitution among the American people.” The Constitution Center brings the United States Constitution to life by hosting interactive exhibitions and constitutional conversations and inspires active citizenship by celebrating the American constitutional tradition.

Contact:            Website

                        525 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

                        (215) 409-6700 

Please Touch Museum

Since 1976, Please Touch Museum has been the Children’s Museum of Philadelphia. Our museum was the first in the nation whose target audience was families with children seven and younger. We have grown into one of the best children’s museums in the nation, have become experts in play and have had our programs for under served families in the region nationally recognized. Our mission to enrich the lives of children by creating learning opportunities through play, enables us to lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and cultural awareness. 

Contact:            Website

                        4231 Avenue of the Republic, Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park Philadelphia, PA 19131

                        (215) 581 -3181


Adventure Aquarium (Canton, NJ – 10 min drive)

Contact:            Website

                        1 Riverside Dr. Camden, NJ 08103

                        (856) 365-3300

Read the KOAA review of Adventure Aquarium here.

Sesame Place (Langhorne, PA – 45 min drive)

Contact:            Website

                        100 Sesame Rd. Langhorne, PA 19047

                        (215) 752-7070

Read the KOAA review of Sesame Place here.

Crayola Experience (Easton, PA – 1 hour 45 min drive)

Contact:            Website

                        30 Centre Square Easton, PA 18042

                        (610) 515-8000

Read the KOAA review of the Crayola Experience here.

© 2014,

Kathleen McCormack is Managing Editor of and lives in the Rochester, NY area.
